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Price: $62.23
Part No: IC157LF2
Availability: Stock



International Coatings Metallic Shimmer Plastisol Inks are formulated for direct screen applications on textiles. IC Metallic Inks add a bright non-tarnishing metallic sparkle to garments.

Substrates: 100% cotton, and some cotton/polyester blends. Always test print fabric before beginning a production run.

Ink Application:
156LF & 157LF Metallic Shimmers should be printed onto a garment right from the container without any modifications. Thinning this product may reduce the metallic sparkle.
If modification is necessary use the following reducers:
DARK GARMENTS - Use 1099LF Low Bleed Curable Reducer (Add 1% to 10% by Volume).
LIGHT GARMENTS - Use 1110LF Curable or 1099LF Low Bleed Curable Reducer (Add 1% to 10% by Volume).

86-160 threads/in.
60 to 70 Durometer – straight, bevel, or sharp edge.
Conventional direct, or capillary films.
325°F (163°C) entire ink film. Test dryer temperatures and wash test printed product before and during a production run.
Wash Up:
Any environmentally friendly plastisol cleaners
Recommended storage temperature is 65-90° F (18-32° C). Avoid storing in direct sunlight or in extreme temperature conditions. It is recommended that Atlas Plastisol products be used within one year of receipt of product. Inks subjected to extreme temperatures or prolonged shelf life could thicken in the container.


1.) 156, 157 & 158 Shimmers are bleed resistant inks, not non-bleed inks. On some types of fabric, bleeding or dye migration may occur. Always test print the fabric to be printed before beginning production. It is best to do some long term testing on some fabrics to determine if they are going to bleed. Bleeding or dye migration may not occur immediately.
2.) Print 156, 157 or 158 Shimmer last in a design, when printing wet on wet, to avoid excessive pick-up of the glitter flakes.
3.) Too high of a temperature in the dryer, above 350°F (177°C), may reduce the brilliance of the Metallic Shimmer inks.
4.) The Metallic Shimmers will spot dry, with a very low after flash tack, in 2 to 8 seconds depending on the spot dryer used. This allows the inks to be printed earlier in a design when desired.
5.) 156 Metallic Silver, because of the quick flash time and low after flash tack, can be used as an under base instead of white. In some instances, this method will offer a softer hand with greater opacity than white ink.
6.) The Metallic Shimmers have good opacity on dark fabrics. However, in some instances, when printing through finer mesh counts, double hits with or without a flash may be needed. This is especially true when printing 157 or 158 Metallic Shimmer on dark fabrics. Recommendations and statements made are based on Internat

Printable Version

Screen Printing Class