Recommended Fabrics:
100% Cotton and some polyester or cotton/polyester blends. Use as an under base or as is. Always test print for bleeding or dye migration.
Ink Application:
3810 BlowOut Base™ can be printed with or without any modifications depending on the desired results. Thinning of this product is not recommended.
Screen Mesh and Emulsion:
83-160 t/in.
Any direct or indirect plastisol resistant emulsion. 200 to 700 micron capillary film.
60-70 Durometer, sharp or rounded edge.
60/90/60 or 70/90/70 Triple Durometer, sharp or rounded edge.
Cure Temperatures:
325°F entire ink film. Test dryer temperatures and wash test printed product before and during a production run.
Any environmentally safe plastisol screen wash.
Recommended storage at 65°F to 90°F. Avoid storage in direct sunlight. Keep containers well sealed.
Modifying Ink
Due to its unique properties, 3810 BlowOut Base™ can be modified to produce many varied looks and textures. Modified BlowOut Base™ should only be used in production after thorough testing of the modified product. Always test for wash fastness before beginning a production run.
Spot Flashing
3810 BlowOut Base™ will spot dry, with very low after-flash tack, in 3-8 seconds depending on the spot dryer used. Too much heat/time may cause the ink to become sticky after flashing. Adjust flash unit accordingly. When spot drying, the ink should be just dry to the touch, with no lift off, but not totally fused. Totally fusing the ink may cause inter-coat adhesion problems with the inks printed on top of the flashed ink. Final curing/fusing should occur in the dryer.
3810 BlowOut Base™ allows the printer to create unique, assorted textures and looks using a variety of print techniques and ink modifications. From adding color concentrates to BlowOut Base™ or overprinting, under basing or mixing in metallic inks, the potential of BlowOut Base™ is only limited by the user's creativity. Running the BlowOut Base™ through the dryer at higher than recommended temperatures or longer dwell times will also create a variety of different looks.
Important Information
1.) 3810 BlowOut Base™ is not a bleed resistant ink and on some types of fabric, bleeding or dye migration may occur. Always test for possible dye migration before beginning a production run. Bleeding or dye migration may not occur right away.
2.) Always stir 3810 BlowOut Base™ before using.
3.) 3810 BlowOut Base™ is a semi-translucent base and should be mixed with other inks or color concentrates or over-printed with other inks to achieve more opacity on dark fabrics. Properly setting squeegee, flood bar and off-contact will improve print performance of the ink.
4.) It is extremely important that 3810 BlowOut Base™ be prevented from getting too hot in storage. Temperatures above 90°F may cause the ink to thicken to a point it may be difficult to use.
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