Automatic Printing made to FIT Anywhere.
Are you in search of your first automatic screen printing press or a dependable companion for your larger press? Look no further than the ROQ FIT - tailor-made to meet your needs, produce accurate prints, withstand long-term use, and propel you into the world of screen printing automation. Start automating your screen printing process with a press that is not only fast, but also compact and user-friendly.
Are you ready to 4-5X your production capacity?
- Smallest Footprint of a Carousel ( "Star” ) ROQ Automatic Screen Printing Press
- +1,000 Prints per Hour
- Made to FIT in Your Home’s Garage
- Print Sleeves, Tags, and up to 4 Color Prints on up to 8 Platens
- Squeegee movement with AC frequency drive
- Independent control panel on all printheads
- Choice of pneumatic screen holder: ”U” clamp or pin system
- Printheads independent elevation
- AC motor with high resolution encoder controlled by frequency drive for index system
- Printheads with high-lift position for quick and easy screen cleaning
- Central control panel with touch screen (10”)
- Micro registration screen system with vernier scale
- Individual controls for managing print and flood speed, height, angle of the squeegees and stroke length
- Placement of the flash cure units under the printhead
- Double index printing mode