1099 NP (Non-Phthalate), Lo-Bleed reducer will lower the viscosity of both HP and standard
opacity plastisol inks. While 1099 reducer can be used in most standard plastisol inks, it is
highly recommended for use in Lo-Bleed inks as the 1099 will not affect the bleed resistance or
fusing characteristics of those type inks.
When adding reducers to any plastisol ink, be careful to use a minimal amount of reducer to
help maintain opacity. The recommended amount of 1099 to use is 1% to 5% by weight.
Recommended Fabrics:
Match the reducer being used with the characteristics of the ink being modified.
For Example, LO-Bleed Reducer with Low Bleed Inks.
Screen Mesh:
Determined by the ink the reducer is mixed with
Any direct or indirect emulsion or capillary film in the 35 to 70 micron range
60-70 Durometer; Sharp, beveled or round depending on ink used
Cure Temperatures:
Determined by ink the reducer is mixed with
Any Eco-friendly plastisol screen wash
Storage of Ink Containers:
65° to 90°F - Avoid storage in direct sunlight; Keep containers well sealed
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