108LF is a
Glow-in-the-Dark (phosphorescent) plastisol screen printing ink that
produces a bright, greenish glow when exposed to light and viewed in a
dark area.
108LF can be used for direct print or cold peel transfer applications. It is ready to use right from the container.

David Edward Byrd's Prince print animated GIF to showcasing Glow-in-the-Dark design element
Recommended Fabrics:
100% Cotton and some cotton/poly white fabrics. For best results on dark garments, 108LF must be printed over a white base or puff ink.
Ink Application:
Direct Prints - 108LF Glow-in-the-Dark ink should be used right from the container without any modifications. If thinning is required, use 1% to 5% by volume of 1110LF Curable Reducer. Adding too much reducer or other additives will diminish opacity and glow.
Transfers (Cold Peel) - It is important that inks are only partially gelled, otherwise the inks will not have adequate adhesion during the final transfer application.
Screen Mesh and Emulsion:
60-230 t/in, use 110-230 t/in for under basing.
Any direct or indirect lacquer resistant emulsion. Use 35 to 75 micron capillary film for best results.
65-70 Durometer, sharp edge.
60/90/60 Triple Durometer, sharp edge.
Cure Temperature:
Direct Prints - 325°F entire ink film
Transfers - Gelation 225°F to 260°F
Any environmentally friendly plastisol screen wash.
65°F to 90°F, avoid storage in direct sunlight. Keep containers well sealed.
Important Information:
1.) 108LF Glow-in-the-Dark ink is a very transparent ink and works best when printed on white fabric or over a white base.
2.) 108LF is not a low bleed ink. Always test print the actual fabric to be printed before beginning production. We suggest long term testing on fabrics to determine if there are going to be any dye migration or bleeding problems. Dye migration and bleeding may not occur right away.
3.) Do not fuse or cure the ink at too high a temperature (over 330°F) as the phosphorescent pigment used in the ink can be damaged and not glow properly.
4.) Adding too much reducer, soft hand additive or clear base will diminish glow.
5.) Heavier ink deposits of 108LF will result in increased phosphorescence (glow brightness) and a longer glow after exposure to a bright light source. Depending on the amount of light exposure to the ink, the darkness of the area where the ink is being viewed and the eye sensitivity of the person viewing the ink, the glow may be visible anywhere from 30 seconds to several minutes.
6.) When making cold peel transfers for dark fabrics, back transfers with white ink.
7.) Cold peel transfers should be applied at 350°F to 375°F, medium pressure for 10-15 seconds.
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